Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Never say live

Cowards are those trying to please life;
Never will they ever say die, life torn soul in strife;
Cowards are those, scared of losing it;
Life has never been, and never will be closely knit;
You live the life as an honest soul, with all the dignity;
Equal are those, whose daily food is their serendipity;
Never have you thought of pain, and never will you;
Never faced justice, never will do;
Shunned him for he’s a sinner;
For he dies a thousand deaths, even as he lives;
Life has always been your cup of grape wine;
Never did you think of those, with nothing to say “it’s mine”;
Life has always been your luxury;
Those who suffer, with your sight never will you see;
But there your are pleasing life, for your own feed;

Just for a second, think of him…is there?....there is no need;



Divster said...

Wow, great poem. Couldn't have put it better. Truth is bitter, nevertheless consuming it one must. From the poem I got this insight into ur frame of mind. it's like you are struggling to build something from nothing. U have nothing with yourself but ur own strength and ur breath. Yet, some have it easy.. and don't even realize that there exists another slot of ppl on the same planet. They are often sorrounded by things that they want to see, wish to be with. It's almost like the others have become a 'background'.

Life's battle isnt fought unless you are ready to give ur life everytime u enter the battlefield. Playing it safe will win you the riches, but will never win you life! While these people may bloom roses everyday, they will fail to take a single prick by the thorn. While those who wish to bloom roses among their thorns.. have befriended the thorns and made their best enemy as their best friend!

Divster said...

This poem more or less accuses the reader of having not observed the real livingg people... For being blind.. and for not giving a second glance to people for which it will matter!

Its a poem that definitely made me shift in my seat.. making me feel a wee bit guilty. Desired effect!

Well done, again!

Divster said...

again... this poem is just


biting my soul!